November 19, 2012
Getting Started Playing Around with JAX-RS 2.0 in an EE Container
Trying out the latest JAX-RS API advancements in an EE container is a bit of a pain because pulling in the latest JAX-RS 2.0 libraries into a Java EE environment creates conflicts with the EE-shipped JAX-RS version. Ah yes, and of course you want your IDE to pick up the correct libs for code completion.
After trying and tweaking a bit the most workable solution for me was to download the latest Glassfish 4 build. It uses a Jersey version that is usually only a couple of days behind the JAX-RS API Snapshot.
Here is what I do:
First, go to the lastest Glassfish builds and download the file named with xx having the highest number (as of Nov 19th this is
This will unzip to a glassfish3/ directory, so to start the server do
glassfish3/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
To find the JAX-RS version included in the Glassfish you just downloaded do something like the following:
jar -xf glassfish3/glassfish/modules/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF; grep Bundle-Version META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
(This will leave a META-INF directory behind you might want to clean up afterwards)
For the b63 version this yields:
Bundle-Version: 2.0.0.m12
The next step is to create a project to test things out. I am using the following archetype, but any other EE Web profile archetype should work similarly:
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=webapp-javaee6 \
-DgroupId=org.example \
-DartifactId=test \
Now let’s edit the POM to pull in the JAX-RS 2.0-Version used by the Glassfish. First, add the proper repository.
<name> Snapshot Repository for Maven</name>
Then add the dependency to the specific release (note that the version is not literally the same as the bundle version you extracted above):
UPDATE: It seems you have to make sure you include this dependency before the dependency to the Java EE Web API. Otherwise, maven insists on trying to use the JAX-RS API version of the Java EE Web API.
You should now be able to mvn package
and deploy to the Glassfish instance any 2.0-m12 based source code.
The final step will be to cd into your project folder and set up your IDE project. E.g. with Eclipse run
mvn eclipse:eclipse
and import as existing Maven project into Eclipse.
Code completion should now suggest you the 2.0-m12 API.
If you want to have code completion work with the SNAPSHOT, simply change the POM dependency and rerun mvn eclipse:eclipse
. This will likely break when deployed in the container (if you use a SNAPSHOT-only API feature) but still it is nice to play around with the very latest API changes.
This focusses on JAX-RS 2.0 latest features. Keep in mind that for the rest of Java EE we referenced the EE6 Web API profile. This is not for testing latest EE7 features in general.
UPDATE: You can find the releases, including the apidoc jars here.